Friday, October 25, 2013

Buckle Your Chinstrap and Swing Your Sword

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph 4:17).

Paul is introducing us to this incredible weapons system that God gives every believer.  So far he’s shown us the truth belt, the flak jacket of righteousness (Eph 6:14), the Gospel cleats (Eph 6:15) and the faith shield (Eph 6:16).  He makes it VERY clear that we need this gear to protect us from the terrorist ambush that Satan has planned (Eph 6:11, 16).  The apostle instructs us that this equipment must be used in its entirety.  Twice he calls it “the whole armor of God” (Eph 6:11, 13).  I need all of it.  Cherry picking certain parts of our gear gives the devil a soft spot to attack.

From his prison cell in the Roman joint, Paul wraps up his his description of God’s armor with the last two components.  “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (v17).  The salvation helmet.  Critical protection for my head.  And the Spirit sword.  The only offensive weapon in the system.  These last two pieces of gear are absolutely essential to survive the impending assault by the enemy.  If I have any hope to standing in victory, I need my salvation helmet and my Spirit sword.  

I’m reminded that this isn’t battle gear that I’ve designed or manufactured.  This is God’s gear.  Like Q showing 007 the latest gadgets designed in the lab, Paul goes over the supernatural weapons system that Jesus supplies.  We see that when we look closely at that little word “take” (v17).  This is the Greek verb dechomai, which means to receive what is offered or accept an something that the giver initiates.  Paul thanked his friends in Philippi for the financial support they gave, “having received (Gr. dechomai) from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent” (Phil 4:18).  Dr. Luke describes how the Gospel was turning things upside down with non-Jews as “Samaria received (Gr. dechomai) the Word of God” (Acts 8:14).

In the same way, God gives us the helmet.  He is giving us our salvation.  We don’t earn it.  He gives it to us as an act of grace.  He gives us what could never do for ourselves.  Jesus lives the perfect life that I failed to live.  He dies the bloody death for my sin that should have died.  He rose to a glorious new life that certainly don’t deserve.  He takes my sin and gives me His perfection, goodness and righteousness (2Cor 5:21).  He takes and He gives.  All I do is place my complete trust in what He’s done for me.  That’s when He gives me the salvation helmet.

This “helmet of salvation” (v17) is critical to my safety.  Soldiers wear helmets.  Athletes wear helmets.  Workmen wear helmets.  A blow to the head can stun or even kill.  You have to protect the noggin.  The word here is perikephalaia. This is a compound word that literally means “around” (peri-) the “head” (-kephale).  This isn’t a ball cap.  It’s no knit cap or toboggan.  This is a heavy duty helmet that can take a wicked hit.  Think a soldier’s helmet.  Football helmet.  Motorcycle helmet.  This is a bucket to withstand the biggest blow.  It wraps all the way around your head and protects your skull and brain.

But this salvation helmet is so much more than the most advanced lid the Department of Defense issues to GIs.  God’s helmet protects us by assuring us of our salvation in Christ.  If Jesus has saved you, take it to the bank.  Satan will attack you and me with doubt.  You’ve heard the whispers.  You’ve heard the lies.  Jesus doesn’t care about you.  You such a screwup.  There’s no way you could ever REALLY be on of God’s kids.    The devil will tempt me, taunt me and try to get into my head with his lies straight from the pit of hell.  

In many ways, the entire letter to Ephesus is the helmet of salvation.  Paul works his tail off to tell these believers who Jesus is, what He’s done and who they are in Him.  It’s not what we do, it’s what He’s done for us.  Flip back over to that spectacular opening chapter and read through the Tsunami of Blessing (Eph 1:3-14).  He blessed us.  He chose us.  He predestined us.  He adopted us.  He redeemed us.  He forgave us.  He lavished His grace on us.  He made His will know to us through Jesus.  He gave us an inheritance.  He gave us His Spirit.  Know that.  Believe that.  Don’t believe the enemy’s lies.  Put on the salvation helmet.  Flip over to chapter two for more.  We were among the Walking Dead before Jesus brought us life (Eph 2:1, 5)  And if that’s not enough, we get to sit right next to the King of Kings in heaven’s throne room (Eph 2:6).  Know that.  Believe that.  Don’t believe the enemy’s lies.  Put on the salvation helmet.

Last and certainly not least, Paul hands us “the sword of the Spirit” (v17).  This is the only offensive weapon in the system.  Everything else is critical for our protection.  Here is something we can use to attack our enemy.  This isn’t a long saber.  The apostle uses the word machaira, which means a short sword that Roman soldiers use in close combat.  It’s about 6-18 inches long.  Think of the large knife that Crocodile Dundee carries (“Now THAT’S a knife!”).  This is the weapon Pete uses to lop off Malchus’ ear in Gethsemane (Jn 18:11).  Don’t let the size of the small sword fool you.  This isn’t just any dagger.  This is the Spirit sword.  As the third Person of the Trinity, God’s Holy Spirit has unlimited power at His disposal.  It was His power that was behind Jesus’ eruption from the stone cold tomb (Eph 1:19-20).  Luke Skywalker’s light saber is burned out flashlight compared to the Spirit sword.  

The Spirit sword is also the only piece of this equipment that Paul tells us exactly what it is.  It “is the Word of God” (v17).  God’s truth.  God’s promises.  Scripture.  We’re to use God’s Word to attack the lies of the enemy with Scripture.  So just how does this leather-bound Bible work as an offensive weapon?  Do I throw it at the devil?  At least David had five rocks to take on Goliath!  We use God’s Word to attack Satan by knowing the truth.  When the devil tries to take us down with one of his lies, we go see what God has to say about that.  One swing of the Spirit sword does the trick.  But we need to know our sword.  We need to know God’s Word.  We need to know the promises He’s made us.  We need to know the truth He’s shared.  God’s Word is sharp.  It can do some serious damage.  It’s so sharp that Jesus uses it on us to do spiritual surgery (Heb 4:12).  Learn how to use the Spirit sword.  Become skilled in it.  Read it.  Study it.  Meditate on it.  Obey it.  Be ready to attack with your Spirit sword when the time comes.  Swing that sword, baby!

Let’s take just a moment to be clear about who our enemy really is.  Use this weapon against the devil.  Don’t beat your friends up with your twelve pound King Jimmy.  Delicately and gently use Scripture to show them the Good News of Jesus.  Save that for Satan.  The ambush is coming.  The terrorist attack is certain.  Be ready.  So put on that salvation helmet and buckle up your chin strap.  Become proficient and skilled in swinging the Spirit sword.  Put on God’s gear.

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