Thursday, December 22, 2016

God Went Camping

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (Jn 1:14).

Not everybody loves camping.  However, there are some who love the thrill of leaving the comforts of home and pitching a tent for a few days.  

But even the most enthusiastic of campers are ready to strike camp and head home after a few nights on the cold, hard ground.  Ready for a hot shower.  Longing for that warm, familiar bed.

Did you know God went camping?  Yup.  It's true.  That's what the Apostle John tells us.  "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (Jn 1:14).

Leaving the Palace

Here in John's magnificent prologue, the apostle paints one of the most breathtaking pictures of Jesus incredible expedition from heaven to earth.  We read that God Himself left the opulence and comforts of His royal home and made the descent onto the disgusting, sin-filled swamp we call Earth.  

We simply cannot comprehend the level of what He left and what He came to.  Imagine Donald Trump leaving Manhattan to live in the stinking slums of Mumbai...willingly!  But that doesn't even scratch the surface.

The Word Became Flesh

John tells us that "the Word became flesh."  The word-for-word Greek reads "the Word flesh became."  Word is λογος (Gr. logos).  This is Jesus.  As the Word, Christ is God's full self-revelation and declaration of who He is.  

Paul tells us, "For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell" (Col 1:19).  This Word became flesh.  This is the Greek noun σαρχ (Gr. sarx).  This is the muscular part of the human body which covers the bone.  

Elsewhere in John, Jesus clearly says, "God is Spirit" (Jn 4:24).  So for God to take on muscle, flesh, tendons, ligaments and organs, this must be something very special.  VERY special.  This was no ordinary camping trip. 

Dwelt among Us

John goes on to say that the Word "dwelt among us."  The original text uses the verb σκενοω (Gr. skeno’o).  It certainly means to live somewhere.  

But the idea is much deeper and richer.  It's the thought of not only taking up residence, but actually camping in a tent.  Some translations render this as He "tabernacled among us.”  

Remember the tabernacle?  That's the tent God ordered Moses to construct as the portable dwelling place for His divine presence among His people.  

From this God tent, Yahweh would live among the Israelite people.  Many times His glory would fill and overflow His royal campsite.  

Finding a Campsite

That's EXACTLY what's happening all over again!  Except this time God would show up as both fully God and fully Man.  

God was going camping.  And His first campsite was a filthy manger in the podunk town of Bethlehem.  Not a prime location.  There in the middle of a stinky stable, God went camping.  

Aren't you glad He did?

Jay Jennings

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