Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Creation 2.0

In the land of computers and software, programmers are continually coming out with updates for applications.  Sometimes these are little bitty fixes that you would never notice.  

Other times they are major modifications that significantly change the program.  But there are those rare occasions that they introduce a completely new app that is so radically different, so radically new that it looks nothing like its predecessor.

That's what Paul is talking about herein Galatians 6:15.  Call it Creation 2.0.  

Just like we read in the book of Acts, the issue of circumcision is THE hot button issue in the Galatian churches.  

The apostle tells us that what God is doing through Jesus is so radically different, so radically new that this old idea of circumcision is now obsolete.  

What God provides in Jesus is Creation 2.0.  And it's available for download right now!

"For neither circumcision counts for anything, no uncircumcision, but a new creation" (v15).  

First, some background.  Circumcision is that delicate little bit of "cosmetic surgery" priests and rabbis would perform on Jewish baby boys on the eighth day.  

God commanded them to cut off the foreskin of the penis as a sign of His eternal promise to Abraham of blessing through his descendants (Gen 17:11-12).  Gentile converts to Judaism had the procedure as well.  

But Jesus is the long awaited fulfillment of God's covenant promise to Abe (Jn 8:56).  Once He's made the scene, physical circumcision is irrelevant.  

Jesus had thrown open the doors fo God's salvation to the entire world.  It no longer mattered whether you were a circumcised Jew or uncircumcised Gentile.  

That's exactly the Good News Paul brought to Galatia on his first missionary journey (Acts 13:13-14:23).

But just after the apostle headed home, the Judaizers infiltrated the Galatian churches with a counterfeit gospel.  

They convinced these new believers that the man from Tarsus didn't tell them the full story.  Jesus might get you into His kingdom but it's up to you to stay in.  

To do that, you must meticulously follow all the rules.  And that starts with circumcision.  Once Paul gets word of about this crisis, he fires off this letter to set the record straight.

The apostle has spilled plenty of ink explaining that the rite of circumcision is obsolete.  The apostles at the home office in Jerusalem saw no need for Paul's buddy Titus to need the surgery (Gal 2:3).  

These same leaders agreed on a two-pronged evangelistic program.  Peter would lead the mission to tell Jews ("the circumcised") about Jesus while Paul heads up a team taking the Gospel to non-Jews ("the uncircumcised").  

Interestingly, Paul had a HUGE (but loving) confrontation with Peter in Antioch over circumcision (Gal 2:11-14).  He had to remind Pete, "How can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?”  

Eventually, Paul gets so frustrated with the Judaizers and what they've done among the Galatians that he wishes they would just cut EVERYTHING off!!!  (If you don't believe me, just take a closer look at Galatians 5:12 in the original Greek.)

Circumcision is obsolete.  That's SO pre-Jesus!  We're talking Creation 2.0.

Paul tells us that the entire circumcision debate is null and void because Jesus established something radically new.  "A new creation" (v15).  

Let's take a quick look at the Greek.  "New" is the word καινος/kainos.  It means not just something new but of a brand new quality, something unknown or unheard of before.  

Jesus is bringing about something that you've never even imagined before.  

The apostle then uses the word κτισις/ktisis.  It describes something that has been formed that has never existed before.  We find this word used in describing God's creation of the universe out of nothing.  

God isn't doing a remix or a mashup with something He found laying around.  His salvation is far beyond circumcision or uncircumcision.  This is something He's created that has never existed before.  

Creation 2.0.

That's what God tells Isaiah, "Behold, I am doing a new thing" (Is 43:19).  

Paul breaks that same news to the Corinthians.  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" (2Cor 5:17).

Notice who is and who is not doing the work of salvation here.  This isn't about what we do as humans, namely circumcision or uncircumcision.  God is the One doing the creating.  

This means that we could take so many things debated among Christians and fill in the blanks here.  "For neither ________  counts for anything, nor ________, but a new creation."

Immersion or sprinkling.  Traditional hymns or contemporary praise and worship.  Suits and dresses or casual clothes.  Sunday school or small groups.  

Just insert the name of your favorite form of legalism.  Bible reading.  Prayer.  Church attendance.  Serving the poor.  Political flavor.  

Guess what.  It doesn't matter.  It only matters if God has made me new in Jesus.  He's making all things new.  That includes you and me.

Creation 2.0.

Jay Jennings

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